Caracterizaci?n morfol?gica de hongos fitopat?genos en el cultivo de granadilla (passiflora ligularis), sector Gonzalo Diaz de Pineda - Napo, 2014

This research was performed by laboratory isolation techniques and subsequent observation of the fungus in the trinocular microscope CX31, in order to differentiate parts and then ratify them with the existing literature. Among the fundamental aspects of this research are: determining the phytopatho...

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Autor Principal: Cachago Toapanta, Adaliz Maricela
Otros Autores: Chancusig, Edwin
Formato: Tesis de Pregrado
Publicado: LATACUNGA / UTC / 2015 2016
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Sumario:This research was performed by laboratory isolation techniques and subsequent observation of the fungus in the trinocular microscope CX31, in order to differentiate parts and then ratify them with the existing literature. Among the fundamental aspects of this research are: determining the phytopathogenic fungus of greatest impact on the production passion fruit that is Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, which it was determined by the literature review and discussion, thus managing to identify the signs and symptoms of the fungus in the field the technique used was direct observation compared with quated source, allowing to perform the characterization of macro and micro structures as: talo, mycelium, conidi?geno and acervulosporas, obtaining digital pictures, which by using existing taxonomic keys, the researcher ratify the presence of the causative agent that is Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, its life cycle under controlled conditions making sowing and isolation of the pathogen in Petri dishes in a growth medium of potato - dextrose - agar, with a length of four days at 23 ? C of temperature. The product of this research has been consolidated into a tutorial of the morphological characteristics of the fungus to spread the results.