...Marriage is one of the oldest institutions of civil law, almost as old as the law itself...
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... process. That is why we will start by saying that Law is a branch of Social Sciences, which has a spectrum...
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... with the Spanish criminal law since the same already has punitive and coercive experiences unlike our country...
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... the requirements for retirement, unfortunately in the Organic Law of Public Servant and the Organic Law...
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... of this right in our constitution and the law, taking samples doctrinaire and jurisprudential analysis, which...
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... AND UNIVERSITY TEACHERS: CASE UTMACH, belongs to the branch of administrative law, a matter which has been chosen...
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... of law, doctrine, Neoconstitutionalism in our country, the Constitutional change unfolds when...
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... of the law professional, lawyer Wilson Exón Vilela Pincay, the following college degree investigation has...
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... misapplication of the rule of law by the authorities that administer justice in order to favor the employer...
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...The study of children in conflict with the law, making a brief reference on their behavior...
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... based on both substantive positive law basis of our civil law and adjective also based on different...
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... reviews and local laws and our Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador in 2008 that was developed based...
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... of property in all its modalities in its performance in the social and environmental responsibility, this law...
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.... the law was applied literally, as it is understood to be applied criminal law under the principle...
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...In the present research work on the case study, born from the ineffectiveness of the law because...
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... and historical methods. The results were shown to check what corroborated based on questioning, between law...
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... the processed desire is that the provisional dismissal becomes final upon entering this new law into force...
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... and the protection against unemployment, which assists people in general; The Ecuadorian Constitutional Law in Art...
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...This project aims to analyze titling law and its application Contesting Precautionary Measures...
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... and analysis work it was taken into account as reference what the law clearly states that in order to claim...
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